Whether you’re looking to refinish your existing stairs or install new stairs to match your hardwood flooring – Ventre Hardwood Floors has you covered.
There are a few key elements in installing hardwood floors on your stairs: risers, treads and stair noses.
- Stair Risers are the vertical backings to your stairs.
- Stair Treads are the horizontal steps that show the biggest area on your stairs. This is the area you actually step on when going up or down the stairs.
- Stair noses are a transition molding used when you install hardwood flooring and wish to transition downstairs – the last plank, which is rounded, is called a stair nose.
- Stair Handrails accompany many staircases and we also refinish handrails, spindles and newel posts.
Our team of hardwood floor specialists in Syracuse, NY are ready to help with installing hardwood flooring on stairs in your home or business. Contact us today for a free estimate!