• info@ventrehardwoodfloors.com
  • 315-635-2540
Buffing/Recoating Buffing and Recoating Hardwood Floors

Buffing and Recoating Hardwood Floors

Is your hardwood flooring looking dull or less shiny? Over time, the plastic in your hardwood floor finish is slowly removed by day-to-day wear and tear. Luckily, we are here to help! Ventre Hardwood Flooring offers hardwood floor screening, buffing and recoating services in Syracuse NY to help refresh your hardwood flooring and make them look better than new.

What are the benefits of buffing and recoating hardwood floors?

Buffing or screening your floors every so often will give your floors a fresh, new look and bring your hardwood floors back to life. Coupled with re-applying a new finish coat, you can help them to last much, much longer.

When should I buff and recoat my floors?

It is generally recommended that you start the buffing and recoating procedure before the finish on your hardwood floors has become too thin or worn – basically, you want to start screening your hardwood floors before you can see any wear or damage.

Keep an eye on the high traffic areas in your home – entrances, kitchens, hallways or under chair legs. As soon as you start seeing signs of wear and tear in these areas, you should start thinking about restoring your hardwood floors.
Contact us today for buffing and recoating services in Syracuse, NY.

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